Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Fairhaven Woodland and Water Garden

These beautiful gardens and woodland paths, which border a private broad, are the ideal place for exploring toddlers to run about gathering sticks and stones. Their eyes will be drawn to an array of colourful and dramatic plants and leaves. There are butterflies to chase, a variety of bird calls to listen for, ducks to feed and dragonflies to dance with.

We first took Garden Girl when she was 10 months old and she was just learning to walk unaided. The flat, wide and pushchair accessible paths allowed her to use the back of her stroller as a walking aid and she was off, toddling with pride. She stopped constantly, as she still does, to collect stones, but the tranquil setting of the gardens made the slow walk welcome, offering us the opportunity to hear the birds sing and drink in the lovely surroundings. I also remember enjoying a relaxing hour reading beside the water, when the fresh air and excitement of exploring had exhausted Garden Girl enough for her to fall asleep.

A second visit the following year was just as enjoyable, so it was only natural for us to return again this summer with both our Little Museum Visitors toddling along beside us. With Garden Girl a little bit older and Garden Boy a little less wary than his sister had been at the same age, the two explorers were quick to clamber on the felled tree trunks pretending to be statues. They ran into the undergrowth to pretend they were in little woodland houses and walked quietly on tiptoe so as not to scare the elves. We watched the leaves floating down the water channels, imagining they were tiny boats for the woodland elves and played Pooh sticks over and over again. This year we also gave ourselves a treat in the form of a boat ride on the broad. I was worried that at 15 months Garden Boy would be unable to sit still for a full 20 minutes but with lots of birds, ducks and boats for him to point at I need not have worried.

We returned to our tent at the end of day laden down with fallen leaves, acorns, sticks and stones and happy memories. There is little doubt we will return again next summer.

  • The paths are pushchair accessible, wide and flat
  • There are tea rooms on site but if the weather is nice there are many beautiful spots to lay out your picnic rug, as well as picnic tables overlooking the broad
  • There are clean toilets in the tea rooms, as well as some portaloos at the opposite end of the broads, one of which is a disabled portaloo which provides room for you to take a toddler inside
  • There are nappy changing facilities at the tea rooms but not at the portaloos, although there are plenty of secluded spots to make a quick nappy change outdoors
  • Toddlers need to be kept close on the paths which border the water channels where the water is open and the surrounding vegetation boggy
  • The gardens are wheelchair accessible and they have 5 mobility scooters available to borrow for a small donation
  • Hearing loops have been installed in the tea rooms, gift shop and on the boat
  • A sensory garden has been developed with mobility and visually impaired visitors in mind but the area is also an excellent place to introduce toddlers to the sights, smells and sounds of the garden.
Admission Prices
  • Although the leaflet says admission prices for a child is £2.50 we were not charged for either of our Little Museum Visitors due to their young age
  • Admission for an adult is £5.00 
  • The Concession price is £4.50 
  • Boat rides are an additional fee and price depends on the length of the trip.The 20 minute trip we took was £3.50 each per adult and free for under 3's. An older child would have paid £2.50
  • Dogs are welcome in the gardens if kept on a lead and there is an entry fee of 25p per dog
  • There are Membership options if you visit regularly
Opening Times
  • From March to November: 10am - 5pm
  • From December to February: 10am - 4pm
  • From May to August there are late openings on Wednesday and Thursday evenings until 9pm
  • Closed Christmas Day  
Learn More

To find out more or to check for updated information prior to your visit, have a look at the Fairhaven Woodland and Water Gardens website.


Little Museum Visitor Rating:
* * * *  

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